Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve is here!!

Hurray!! it's Christmas eve! we are hispanic and that is our main day of the year, Christmas day is a bonus but our main day of celebration is on Christmas eve. Now we celebrate with a dinner, games and gifts. But going back in my memories, to what is left in there. I remember going to my Tata's house (grandpa) kind of late in the evening, I would say that we got to his house by 7:00 or so, and to anyones surprise.......that's when the tamales were being prepared, of course there were lots of goodies to snack on while dinner was being prepared. There was also a whole lot of playing outside with my cousins and siblings. We would be called in to dinner around 10:00, after that we would play some more till 12:00 midnight when the presents were opened. I remember being kept indoors because there were lots of guns being fired outside. In Mexico people still get crazy shooting their guns off into the sir, so anyways, we were made to stay inside till all that subsided. We would stay at Tata's till the early morning hours, and to all this, not once did I ever fall asleep, there was too much fun going on for anyone to sleep. Those were the memories of a very different Christmas. Nowadays, the spirit of Christmas is at a very low level, we try our best every year to make it a good one, but there is something missing. Maybe we are filled with a little bit of sadness for those that have already left us. Maybe that's the difference about Christmas as a child and Christmas as an adult. Nonetheless, Christmas is a time of celebration and unity.

Merry Christmas to all!!!!! and a Blessed New Year!!

To my Husband and Children, all my love and the best of me for you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rainy season is here!!!

The rain has come and all is clean and shiny, what a great time it is. Can't wait for my kids to be done with school this week, then I can really sit back and enjoy the rain........I love it, but only if I'm able to sit in my cozy home and look out the window. Even better when my children and I declare it a Pajama day, and we obviously stay in our pj's all day long, light up the fireplace and sit and watch a favorite movie. Nothing like being home in the company of the people you enjoy the most in the world. Take a break from it all today, and sit and look out the window for a few, let yourself relax and just enjoy the beauty that lies outside your cozy abode. Be thankful for the roof over your head and for the warmth of a heated home, or that of a warm blanket. We are blessed in so many ways, we need to stop and be grateful.........that will only attract even bigger blessings into our lives. I'm grateful for being here today talking to you.

God Bless and take care.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hug your children often, tightly with love.

Love is such a crucial part of raising a child, or in my case... raising three of them. You can't raise a child without love, it's the most essential of needs for all of us, if you have that need to be loved and be regarded as important in some ones life, or if you are super love-able you are one of the lucky ones to be important to many. I hope you are the second one. Back to my simple thought for today, give your child a big warm hug today. Hold him/her in your arms and go back to the beginning of that being, the day that child came into your life and into your arms. I like to go back in time in my memories and cherish those special moments I once lived, lucky for me I had three of those times, and I am thankful for that. Never let go of that feeling, and never stop hugging.......your child might not say it but deep's much appreciated. Merry Christmas Friends!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's beginning to look like Christmas

Okay friends,
now I'm really getting into the Christmas spirit. All it took was some Christmas lights hung outside my house, and I'm now set to go!! Next Saturday we go pick out a tree and spend our weekend getting the inside of the house decorated. It's a joyful time of year and a time to reflect on all the great things that surround us. A time to be greatful for even the smallest of things. A time to refoice and hold our loved ones close to our hearts, a time to shower each other with love even more than with presents. A time to look back on a year full of wonderful things and bid it farewell, knowing a new one is right around the corner.....awaiting with surprises for us to discover on our journey called life.

To all my friends, have an awesome season.........God Bless, and count your blessings big and small. Take care and be kind to one another.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas is here!! not now!!

Please tell me it's still June and we are about to attend graduations and get our mindset on the summer ahead. How did we end up in December so fast? were we not preparing Halloween costumes a few weeks ago? please someone help! is this a normal part of aging? feeling like the years are just slipping by, like a soap opera - "sands through the are the days of our lives". I'm not ready for Christmas! I feel like such a scrooge......maybe it's just the hard time the country is facing, hearing of the less fortunate who have lost jobs, and homes, and just so much hardship being faced by our brothers and sisters in this great big nation. I have to get myself together and start thinking Christmas, put some jinggle in my bells, embrace the spirit of Christmas and all its joy. Yesterday I bought a few presents, and I felt like I was throwing away money, but I know that Christmas is for the children, and they will someday grow and not be so eager for such a festive time of year, they will not be writing to Santa or waiting with their wide open little eyes, to see what is dropped off for them under the tree. That is what Christmas is about....childhood and the memories we all hold of those special Christmas's. I have to reach into my inner child and remember the joy I would experience every christmas, even if we didn't have much they were still the best christmas's ever. So here I move into the weekend........must get Christmas tree! let the season begin and let's not forget Jesus is the reason for the season. God bless us all.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hello Friends!!

Hello to all my new friends and those to come!! wow, how exciting!! I don't know were to start with this amazing thing called a "blog". I shall start by clueing you in to what my life is like, a little info on my family and what I do day to day. Let me start by introducing myself... I am Patricia........better known as Patty. I live in sunny San Diego with my husband (gorgeous man, well okay, gorgeous to me....oh so gorgeous to me!!) and our three sprouts.. our 15 year old daughter and our 12 and 9 yr. old sons, our "machitos". We have a dog called "popeye", who we acquired when my daughter was 10 and was in desperate need of having a "dog". So much can happen in 5 years, well to cut it short the dog now belongs to our 9 yr. old. Won't go into detail on how that happened, but let's just say that now my daughter has moved on to another pet, a turtle called Laila. I don't exactly love dogs or any other animals for that sake, I just get along with them, but never will you catch me anywher close to petting an animal, or worse letting an animal lick me........I am not like that!! never. Sorry, for all you animal lovers, I probably lost you there. I'm just more of a human lover.
Okay well, I really have to get to work........ Housework that is, I'm a stay at home mom and I do have my duties to get's not all glamorous being a homemaker, I'm nowhere close to being in the same cirlce of the Bravo - Housewives, be it the OC ones or the Atlanta ones. Nor do I wish I was!! I love my life the way it is, and I wouldn't change anything about it, this is the life I have and this is the life I love. Okay so off I go to my duties.....but I shall return with Life Tips, Parenting Tips, Recipes, Quotes, Funny things to share....oh yes and my love for Oprah, okay not so much love like love, but my fixation with all of her shows and the topics her staff comes up with. She's just an awesome role model, a very Classy lady.
Okay Friends, till we meet again!! stay real, stay Happy!! Set your mind on "happiness" mode!