My first bundle of Joy.
My Daugther........My blessing
My children.....My purpose
Where can I start on why I love being a mom? maybe it's because of the children I have that makes me love being a mom? or is it just meant to be that I would grow up to love motherhood, and be proud of the fact that I am raising three outstanding human beings? after many years of frustration and times when I wanted to pull my hair out......practically on a daily basis, I've come to a very peaceful place in the journey of being a mom. I'm experiencing a time of peaceful bliss, a time of sitting back and enjoying the fruits of my labor. I can see and hear what I have instilled in my children, and I am proud. I've created children with a heart, children with compassion for others, children that will grow up to be extraordinary adults......who will in turn instill the same values in their children. I'm excited about life, I can't wait to see what's around the corner. I've come to know who I am, who I was meant to be and the reason for my existence. My children have come into my life to make me a whole person, to complete my life and my soul. I am fully aware of my self and of my purpose, and that is the purpose of being a teacher to my children, to create and make what I want from them. This in no way takes away from who they are, it just keeps them on track if they happen to lose their way. I'm a little lighthouse showing them the way to were they belong in this world. Motherhood is truly a blessing and a great responsibility, the most beautiful part of being a mom is that feeling in your heart that comes to life the minute you become a mom. A love like no other, a love without expectations, love in the purest of forms. I love being a mom, I wouldn't have my life any other way.