Friday, February 13, 2009

Favorit Quote!!

To the world you are one person

To one person you are the world.

One of my favorite quotes. I have many I love but this one really touches my heart, because maybe like me you have sometimes felt so tiny in this huge world full of people, and you feel like you don't matter or make a difference. But keep in your heart that you do! you may mean more to someone than you actually know, you are very important and you are worth a lot. God made us all to his image, so that tells me we are all Grand in God's eyes. Take care of yourself and Love yourself. What you have in your heart is what you have to offer, so please, fill it with love and compassion for others. Love yourself first, then others.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Souther California Rain

We all sit in our homes and look out the window, oh my goodness how can it rain so much? we are just so spoiled with our more common "sunny" weather, but once in a while it's nice to see some rain falling and see the streets being cleaned away. The grass being soaked with water from the heavens. I love to see it rain. Specially being indoors and calling it a pajama day, like today. We will all stay in our pajamas and watch TV all day, or till I get tired and need a little nap. Life goes by too fast to not enjoy a day take one too if you can, and sit back and enjoy the view outside your window.
Stay warm and drive safe.