Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is my Family

I enjoy the blessing of my children.   
I am not afraid to let it be known how very much I love my children.
I will always let everyone know my children come first.
My husband is my biggest treasure.... my companion... my best friend.


I know bullying has been around forever, but recently there have been horrific outcomes due to bullying.  It saddens me deeply to know there are parents out there who have gone through the devastating nightmare of losing a child.  I can't begin to know or feel what those parents have lived through.  There is no greater love than that for a child, for a child you have brought into this world.  And I think the responsible ones are the parents of those bullies.  I have seen parents with very young children, at parks, in public places.. oh goodness I can remember having my kids at a fast food playground, and seeing parents stand by while their children bullied other kids.  Why do parents find pride in such bad behavior?  why can't all parents be educated and civilized?  I know we aren't all good parents. I feel I am, and I know I am.  I have done what I can to teach my children good.  I always told my children to walk away from bullying, to never be part of some one picking on some one else.  Never to join in or even laugh at some one else s troubles.  We need to teach our children love and care for all that surrounds them, and most of all to value LIFE and the life of others.  What, I ask myself - has led to children being so cold and inhumane????.