Of course we all know I'm not an expert on anything, I have no titles, I have learned only what has come my way in these 15 years as a parent, but anyhow........here go my two cents worth. I recently have noticed that there are a lot of children out there who are not being disciplined as needed, and from what I've seen, these are children who definitely need it. I've seen children yelling at their parents left and right, and worst of all, I've seen children hitting their parents. How disappointing to be raising children in such an uneducated fashion. And to think that some of these parents are actually highly educated people. Is it that parents are just so darn busy making ends meet that they don't have the energy to be true parents? why is it that we are working ourselves ragged, giving our kids everything they want........except what they really need parenting. I see these families living the good life, when they are not working, and dealing with terribly unruly children. I see children being sedated for the sake of peace and tranquility for the parents. There's such an increase on ADD diagnosis, and I will tell you what the majority of it is, it's parents not wanting to deal with their active kid. Not the hyper active kid, just the average normal child who likes to play and has extra energy to burn. The child that is stuck indoors, when it's in his nature to be outside running around. If you ask our parents, they would say there was no such thing as hyper-activity in our days, and that's because we would play outside and wear out all our energy. We weren't all walking around like little zombies with our daily dose of medication. We were children at play, we were children as it was meant to be. I don't know what the future holds for those children that are now being drugged for the sake of being "good". What will the results be? what kind of adults will they grow up to be? who will get stuck giving into their every whimper? who will take over "mommy/daddy" duty? hopefully not one of my kids!!!
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