Sunday, March 1, 2009

I don't want to be Obese

I don't really want to be labeled Obese!!! which is what I was told last time I went for a physical. I have to admit, I am way, way out of shape, and I would love to weigh a whole lot less, but please! don't let me be Obese. Just the word itself is so negative. But I can't give in to that negativity, I must find some new ideas on how to cook lighter, and how to motivate myself to add a few more steps to my daily walk. And from now on I declare a goal for more cafesito and desert after 7:00. Sorry Marcial, I know you and I have our special time sipping our cafesito and enjoying some freshly baked scones, cookies and more. Now is a time for change, and most importantly a time for prevention. Hopefully around the same time next year, I will weigh less and be a little more fit, that my friends is my goal. To many healthy days!!

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