Monday, September 28, 2009

Quinceañera, Mardi Gras style

Daddy and Gilie

We attended my nieces quinceañera this past weekend.  In the Mexican culture it is a big party thrown for the young girl when she turns 15.  It's a celebration that goes back ages, when people would marry their daughters off at a very young age.  So they would throw these elaborate parties and get the girls looking so pretty, as to attract an appropriate suitor.  But now, they don't marry young, they still have fun with their big party, surrounded by all their family and their very close friends.  We all had a wonderful time at the party.  There was lots of dancing, and I got to see my kids doing some dancing of their own.  It was lots of fun.


Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...
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Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

It's so nice to see a happy family having fun..God bless. Nice to know about your culture and tradition. Hope you did see my comment in one of the old posts. If it is fine..please send me your mail id so that I can send u the snaps. Or else may be I could open a temporary blog for u and post it.


Tinsie said...

That's such a great opportunity for a party! I'd never heard of Quinceanera - shame I'm too old to adopt it myself haha!