Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cupcake Love

My sweet Moni is doing cupcakes as a business.....she makes very delicious cupcakes.  The baking gene runs deep in our family, my parents used to own a bakery when I was young, and thanks to that I learned how to decorate cakes.  I used to make wedding cakes and birthday cakes for friends, and I would make descent money doing it, but as life would have it.......I ended up with my arm hurting a lot.  That's what usually happens when you do something repeatedly. So I began to cut back on making cakes.  But now, I have my little baker at home, she enjoys it so much and she is so creative.  I'm so proud to see that she has that in her, It reminds me a lot of me when I was that age.  Well as I was saying, she started making cupcakes and trying to make a little business of it.  This past weekend she made her first cupcake order........for $35.  She will hopefully get more business and eventually save up money for a trip she wants to take with school in a year and a half.  They will be going to Spain and France.  But it cost money that we can't give her.  I think she is a very determined person and she will make it happen.  I'm so proud of her and I hope her dream of this trip will come true.


mp said...

Good luck on your new venture. Hopefully you guys sell lots and lots of cupcakes full of love.

Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

Wishing Moni all the best...its great to pursue a passion keeping a goal in mind...please post close up snaps of the cakes Patty if it is not so difficult for you...