Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rainy season is here!!!

The rain has come and all is clean and shiny, what a great time it is. Can't wait for my kids to be done with school this week, then I can really sit back and enjoy the rain........I love it, but only if I'm able to sit in my cozy home and look out the window. Even better when my children and I declare it a Pajama day, and we obviously stay in our pj's all day long, light up the fireplace and sit and watch a favorite movie. Nothing like being home in the company of the people you enjoy the most in the world. Take a break from it all today, and sit and look out the window for a few, let yourself relax and just enjoy the beauty that lies outside your cozy abode. Be thankful for the roof over your head and for the warmth of a heated home, or that of a warm blanket. We are blessed in so many ways, we need to stop and be grateful.........that will only attract even bigger blessings into our lives. I'm grateful for being here today talking to you.

God Bless and take care.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hug your children often, tightly with love.

Love is such a crucial part of raising a child, or in my case... raising three of them. You can't raise a child without love, it's the most essential of needs for all of us, if you have that need to be loved and be regarded as important in some ones life, or if you are super love-able you are one of the lucky ones to be important to many. I hope you are the second one. Back to my simple thought for today, give your child a big warm hug today. Hold him/her in your arms and go back to the beginning of that being, the day that child came into your life and into your arms. I like to go back in time in my memories and cherish those special moments I once lived, lucky for me I had three of those times, and I am thankful for that. Never let go of that feeling, and never stop hugging.......your child might not say it but deep's much appreciated. Merry Christmas Friends!!