Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas is here!! not now!!

Please tell me it's still June and we are about to attend graduations and get our mindset on the summer ahead. How did we end up in December so fast? were we not preparing Halloween costumes a few weeks ago? please someone help! is this a normal part of aging? feeling like the years are just slipping by, like a soap opera - "sands through the are the days of our lives". I'm not ready for Christmas! I feel like such a scrooge......maybe it's just the hard time the country is facing, hearing of the less fortunate who have lost jobs, and homes, and just so much hardship being faced by our brothers and sisters in this great big nation. I have to get myself together and start thinking Christmas, put some jinggle in my bells, embrace the spirit of Christmas and all its joy. Yesterday I bought a few presents, and I felt like I was throwing away money, but I know that Christmas is for the children, and they will someday grow and not be so eager for such a festive time of year, they will not be writing to Santa or waiting with their wide open little eyes, to see what is dropped off for them under the tree. That is what Christmas is about....childhood and the memories we all hold of those special Christmas's. I have to reach into my inner child and remember the joy I would experience every christmas, even if we didn't have much they were still the best christmas's ever. So here I move into the weekend........must get Christmas tree! let the season begin and let's not forget Jesus is the reason for the season. God bless us all.

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