Monday, April 27, 2009

Hubby on Vacanza

First day of my sweetie being on vacation. Easy going morning, lots of kisses here and there. I'm so glad he took a week off to just work around the house, and of course get ready for my Moni's sweet 16 this coming weekend. So far he has worked on pruning his lemon tree. This man is just so well rounded, I swear he knows a little about everything, or maybe sometimes A lot about everything. I just got too lucky in life, well I don't believe in luck so I will take that back. I believe in God already having a plan for you, and for you to find that path and stay on it. I believe we attract good into our lives, and last but not least I will always believe in getting back what you give out. I've given love and I've received love. I have loved with my full heart, I've never said or thought....I won't love completely because I will get hurt. My heart has given of itself completely and I have gotten back that same love and even extra. That's all the world needs, people that love with their whole heart and spirit and love in the moment without thinking of the Tomorrow or the what if. Hey, gotta go enjoy the vacanza with my honey, catch'a later.

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