Thursday, June 4, 2009

School year coming to an end

Wow, where did time go? the kids are almost out of school, another school year done with and now all my chickadees moving up a grade. My moni is doing her last day of school today and that is amazing yet scary, that means she goes into 11th grade. Wasn't it just yesterday she was excited about her first day of school?? where did my little girl go? with her plad skirt and black shoes. I know exactly where she went, she went on an amazing trip to what a good life can be, she has acquired all of the wonderful skills that make her one very special person. She's a ray of light that will go out into the world, bringing joy and peace to those around her. She is absolutely a love, a big piece of love, it's like God took a chunk of a "love" cloud and put it in my arms. I adore all my children and they are all so special to me, they all fill my heart with the biggest sense of satisfaction and pride. Now.........Summertime.......Funtimes!!!

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