Friday, January 8, 2010

Busy days

I notice I haven't done much posting lately, I've been so busy with home and watching Max.  He is now 10 mo. old and he is a handful, he is crawling all over the place.  He is still such a good baby, he is always happy for the most part.  He's a blessing, such a great kid to watch.  My little Max.
 Well, all is still the same in my kids are growing..putting in their time in looking forward to Easter vacation. I'm just enjoying them as they are, since I know soon enough they will be leading their own lives.........because that is how life is.  I love my children and they will always be a treasure in my life.  My husband of course being my first love in every single biggest love.....always.  Wow, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary this year....somehow, that makes me feel kind of old, yet I still feel young and I still feel so deeply in love with him.  Maybe ours is the exception, to all those other people who complain about being married too long.  I still feel the same love as I did when we were dating.  I love this guy....lots.


Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

Nice to hear from you on your family...yes its so nice to see kids growing up. I too wish we had one more kid...I can understand how busy you are...


Patricia P said...

Cherry do you think you and your wife will have anymore children? it's a little sad to think of a child without siblings. But I know sometimes financially and time wise it's not so easy. Children need the parents time too. But if you had that chance it would be good for your daughter to have a sibling.....she would never be alone, even as an adult. Don't wait too long....just think there will never be a "right" time, parenting is something you just do and God does help you always. Take care and nice to hear from you.