Monday, August 17, 2009

A week without washer/dryer

The week without is over! thank goodness for that. But we did go a whole week without a dryer, so pretty much there were no clean clothes for a whole week. So imagine my joy when we come home Sunday with my new washer and dryer. Needless to say I have started the week doing lots and lots of laundry. You would probably think it was a pain in the butt, but not this time, I am so happy doing clothes. I think of our grandparents when they had to deal with washing clothes by hand, and even further back to our ancestors who had to go down to the river to wash clothes. I'm so full of joy with every wash load I fold and put in our drawers. Sometimes it's a blessing when something breaks, you have time to realize how easy your life is with all the modern appliances and gadgets. Thank you sweetie for my new washer/dryer........

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