Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pepe Aguilar concert

How exciting, going to a concert tonight! Pepe Aguilar, such a great Mexican singer.  My husband and I have enjoyed his music for years now.  It will be so awesome to hear him live.  We don't go out to concerts much, it's different once you have a family and sometimes it's just not in the budget to go to a concert.  But this time it was a super deal.  Marcial got some tickets from work and with that we only paid an additional $20 each to get good seats.  We are pretty lucky to have some really cool amphitheaters here in San Diego.  The one we are going to is called Cricket Amphitheater.  It's so cool because you are enjoying music under the stars.  I can't wait to be there at the concert, so fun for mommy and daddy today, a little fun date.

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