Monday, November 2, 2009

Many are our blessings

I was asked a day ago why I was so patient waiting for Marcial to fix our kitchen.  Why I don't just go to IKEA and order one, no matter if it caused a divorce.  I know it wasn't meant that way, but I responded "I wouldn't divorce over a kitchen, never over a kitchen".  There's so much more to say in those kind of situations, and to those kind of people, but it's best to not speak what's in the heart.........when it will leave a bad feeling or cause an uncomfortable moment.  But this I do know, that a kitchen isn't of much importance, that there isn't much of great importance when your spiritual eyes have been open to what is truly important.  And that can only be the importance of the people in your life, your children, your husband, your parents,your family.  The value I put on things has changed enormously, I'm not the person I was 10 years ago......or past that.  I've lived enough to know that happiness doesn't come from things we can purchase......but from things that are born from LOVE, happiness comes from moments, from actions. A kitchen is a blessing, and I thank God for having one, for having a home, for having LIFE.  I don't have.........and don't need a state of the art kitchen, believe me..........the same food would be coming out of that kitchen too.  So, in conclusion.........I love my kitchen, if I ever get a new, if not, it really doesn't matter to me.

Wouldn't you say I could have it worse?   Count your blessings my  friends......We are surrounded by many.

1 comment:

Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

Patty....let me give u a handshake...that's a very mature state of mind that you have put forth...and what you have is already good and great...