Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quick update on living w/less

Okay friends, quick update on my living with less life, and it's going great!!! I've not yet yearned to go out and buy anything. I've actually found some unused items of clothing in my closet and drawers. Now I seem to use what I have and make do without what I don't have. Nothing has changed in my home, everything is going smooth, as usual. I'm enjoying walking daily, and really taking in the beauty around me. I'm enjoying my i-pod and all the informational podcasts I'm loading into it. I'm truly enjoying all the free things in life. I hope to get the family out and walking soon, at least some hikes on the weekends. Get back to our natural surroundings a little more often. Okay gotta go now. Talk to you all soon.
Get out and Walk!! look at the trees and the's gorgeous.

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