Saturday, October 17, 2009

Max is now 7 months

My precious Max.  Little fella is now 7 mo.....going onto 8 mo. in a few weeks.  I see him so lively, so interested in the world around him, as if discovering all that comes into his view.  I'm enjoying him greatly, I take care of him and he keeps me company while everyone else is gone doing their own thing.  We spend many a time together and give each other lots of love.  He's such a sweet boy.  Sometimes he just stares at me, and I can see so much love inside those beautiful eyes.  I hope he will always be close to me.......and stay as sweet.


1 comment:

Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

Little ones are like angels and it is great to see them take the little steps of life...I remember my daughter when she was small sweet....God bless